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It seems we are losing our freedoms and tanking the economy in the name of an emergency that we don’t even have facts for yet.

There are threats to making the Constitution void as the government uses language that over-reaches their bounds, exerting their authority to places it ought to never go. Such drastic, indefinite measures seem very premature.

While it’s true that there are exceptions to the rule of law to make room for crisis situations, the problem is that the measures put in place during those times and are meant to be temporary, end up staying in place even after the crisis has passed. Just as in 9/11, those freedoms have not been given back almost 20 years later.

Some of the freedoms that are being threatened are:

-freedom of religion
-freedom to worship corporately
-freedom to assemble (which includes coming together to strike or express or defend our ideas)
-freedom of movement
-freedom from search and seizure
-right to a speedy trial
-freedom to not be indefinitely detained
-right to a jury
-right to provide a living for ones family
-and let’s not forget right to privacy, just to name a few

These are all being eradicated right before our very eyes. Fear is being used to accomplish such a huge goal.

As advisor to Obama, Rahm Emmanuel said, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

There are some who are very surprised at how this is being handled. According to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, the Corona virus is in the flu family, and he says never before has anyone looked at a virus in insolation as they have with this virus.

The regular seasonal flu has killed at least 20,000 in America this year (as opposed to the Corona Virus 1,543).

The CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated:

-35.5 million people getting sick with influenza,

-16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness

-490,600 hospitalizations,

-34,200 deaths from influenza

This many deaths from the flu for years and no one has ever been as concerned about it as they are about the Corona virus. It is being treated differently and so early in the stage. The question is why?

Being that it is still in the discovery phase, tests were just developed, which means testing has barely even begun. Yet our rights, freedoms, and income are already being taken. While it is understandable to not let the virus spread, taking such measures that jeopardize the world economy and livelihoods of every family, before we even have the numbers in, is not only irresponsible, its the most bizarre behavior ever seen from a government.

As Rhode Island Gov. Raimondo admits, “I know this is unusual. I know it’s extreme. And I know some people don’t agree with it. And it’s absolutely not a decision that I make lightly”.

People may be dealing with it right now thinking that they only have to close their business or miss work for a few weeks, but when that turns into months, because we are told that we aren’t “following the rules” good enough, or that the numbers are increasing, then the tragedy of people losing homes and not having food will become a reality. That’s when another “solution” will be created, one that people will most assuredly “bite” whatever the costs. (No pun intended). What will it be? We aren’t sure yet. Can you trust the numbers that are given? What is going on around you? What are people closest to you experiencing? And those closest to them? That is what you can know for sure is happening.

While the great concern about spreading a virus that could pass on to those who are at high risk of dying from it is certainly understandable, it’s not necessary to quarantine the healthy.

Those who are at high risk, (the elderly and those with compromised immune systems, or taking immune suppressant drugs such as chemotherapy, and those who have underlying medical conditions) should absolutely be quarantined, or technically reverse-quarantined, for their protection.

However, those who have strong immune systems can contract the virus and their body will handle it. According to Newsweek, “More than 100,000 people have recovered from the novel coronavirus, according to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University”.

Those with healthy immune response should be out working to provide for those who are sick or who are quarantined. When someone in your house gets sick, you don’t shut the whole house down, you only quarantine the sick while the providers work and the designated caregiver takes care of the sick.

If the providers stay out of work for too long, even as little as two months for most families and even big businesses, then we will find ourselves not in a recession, but a depression. Then more people may die of starvation and suicide because they can’t feed their families, than the virus would have killed. Then when the virus passes and the sick get well they won’t have a life to go back to. The healthy need to keep things running until it passes by.

The sick will be protected if they stay inside, but if you quarantine the whole world, it will go backwards to days even our great-grandparents didn’t see.

Fear is a huge motivator. It’s a great way to control. People need to think for themselves, not blindly listen to the “experts”. Take it all in and figure out what makes sense to you. It’s never a good idea to make decisions based on fear.

Some are not only willingly giving their most basic rights away, but are even demanding the government impose their citizens with these restraints in the name of protection motivated by fear. They are even insisting that others willingly give up these God-given rights and accusing them of selfishness and “killing people” if they don’t. This is not normal.

The people going outside do not pose a risk to you if you are staying in quarantine, you are protected. The same way with a vaccine. If you have the vaccine, you don’t have to worry about those who don’t have the vaccine. If the vaccine truly works, then you are protected.

The healthy people on the other hand, will be exposed, their healthy immune system will handle the virus, and after it takes its course, they will be immune to it. That’s how the immune system works, that’s how viruses work, that’s how vaccines work. You are given the virus, and you’re now immune to it, if you have a healthy enough system to handle it. As a side note, this very thing should make one wonder about giving vaccines, (viruses) to the very young with underdeveloped immune systems, the elderly, and others.

If our freedoms are taken away in the name of an emergency, in a way that we don’t get those freedoms back after the emergency has passed, then there will be even greater loss of life and way of life. Let the sick stay home and get well, and let the healthy go to work to keep things from falling apart, so that the sick still have a life to go back to once they are well.

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