Exercise is a big part of Health, but many people can’t do the things they love to do, try to work out at the gym, run, or be active because of some pain they are experiencing. So the first thing to do is get PAIN FREE. If you work out or engage in sports or activities with the bones and muscles out of position, you can start a problem or make a problem worse. Proper posture alignment can correct and prevent these problems and even increase the performance of your activities.


                             BE PAIN FREE

When you are in pain, it’s not only the pain that’s the problem, it’s that it takes away your ability to do anything that involves moving, which takes away your LIFE! Bodies were made to MOVE! A friend shared with us the book PAIN FREE by Pete Egoscue. We found chronic pain can be completely alleviated by aligning the muscles and bones. We highly recommend the Egoscue method for all kinds of pain including  Neck, Back, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Hip, Knee, Ankle, and Foot pain. It is easy to underestimate the power of these simple stretches. Egoscue has clinics all over the country, but even if you can’t get into a clinic for a personal visit, you can get a consultation, assessment, and visits by e-mail or Skype. You can also get the book and there are many videos that can help as well. We only used the book and this method has personally helped us in very quick and dramatic ways, and has allowed us to continue doing the things we do, without drugs, surgery, or even going to the Chiropractor and Massage Therapist as we used to.  In line with our beliefs when it comes to health, here again this method doesn’t treat only the symptoms, but gets to the root cause of the problem. We thank God everyday for helping us find this wonderful method. It has saved our lives!



Click here to visit the Egoscue website.