Throughout most people’s lives, they will have between $1 million and $2 million go through their hands over their lifetime of work. That’s an awesome responsibility. What will you do with it? How you manage that resource or wealth is very important not only for your well being, but can have an impact on others and the world around you.

Be faithful in a few things and I will set you over many things.

We took the Dave Ramsey’s FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY at our local church many years ago. Dave teaches things that are common sense. Things everyone knows to do, but may not know how to do, or who may have lost their way over time from developing bad habits, or just need encouragement to get on track. Visit his website here for more info:

“The desire to accumulate wealth is an original affection of our nature, implanted there by our heavenly Father for noble ends.” Counsels on Stewardship pg. 148

“The bedrock of a biblical understanding of wealth is that it all belongs to God, but he entrusts us to manage it during our lifetime. Our task is to decide how to divide the pie.” Christianity Today Oct. 2000. We are trustees, financial managers of God’s wealth.  “….God uses financial setbacks to jog our memory about who really owns it all.”